At Hopscotch Nursery Oxted we are open Monday to Thursday, 8 - 5.30pm, 48 weeks a year. Within this we offer a range of childcare options to accommodate our parents/families varied childcare needs, we therefore offer;

- Preschool Sessions (around School hours)

- Full-time childcare (48 weeks a year, 8 - 5.30pm)

- Term-time (38 weeks) Breakfast club & afterschool club with a light cold tea served.

Childcare Payments & Funding:

We accept all voucher schemes and the Tax-Free Scheme available to parents.


At Hopscotch we accept FEET (for eligible 2 year olds), Universal (for all 3 and 4 year olds), and Extended funding (for eligible 3 and 4 year olds). For FEET Funding, eligible children are able to access this from the first term after they turn 2. For 3 and 4 year old funding, children are able to access this the first term after they turn 3.

FEET Funding (2 year olds):

Funded Early Education for two-year-olds (FEET) offers eligible families up to 15 hours of funded early education and childcare a week. This is means tested and parents can find out if their child meets the eligibility criteria by going to: https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/people-and-community/families/childcare/paying/funded-early-education-for-2-year-olds-feet

Please enquire directly to manager@hopscotchmontessori.co.uk if your child is eligible for FEET Funding so we can explain in further detail how this works.

Universal and Extended Funding:

The most commonly used funding by Parents/Carers is the universal funding (up to 570 funded hours per year) available to families both on a term-time only (38 weeks a year) option or stretched over 48 weeks. The universal funding is not means tested and therefore all children are eligible for this. Children become eligible for the

universal funding the first term after they turn 3.

Parents/Carers may also be eligible for the extended funding (up to 1,140 funded hours per year). The extended funding is means tested and parents must find out if they are eligible for this funding. Parents can find out their eligibility for the extended funding by going to the link below; https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare

If parents are eligible they will be provided with an eligibility code. They must keep this information safe and use it to help them complete their funding form at the start of each term. Hopscotch Nursery will provide you with this form at the start of each new term.

Please see the table below for further clarification on when your child would be eligible for funding.


Term Season Date of birth within Dates: Eligible for funding:


1st September – 31st December: From January


Spring 1st January – 31st March: From April


1st April – 31st August: From September


We are very happy for parents to use their Free Early Education Entitlement with us, however due to the shortfall in the hourly funded rate set by the Government, we are unable to do so without offering funded hours within set sessions in which we charge for the time thereafter.

For children on a term-time only contract they can access up to 30 hours of funding per week over 38 weeks of the year. For children who attend all year, they can access up to 22.5 hours of funding a week over 48 weeks of the year.


All monthly childcare fees’ are individualised to each family, subject to the sessions chosen and the type of contract you have (term-time or all year). If you would like an individualised cost per month, dependent on your childcare needs, please email us at: manager@hopscotchmontessori.co.uk and we will send you our fee's list along with a breakdown of fee’s based on your requested sessions and availability. We have a minimum requirement of 2 sessions attended per week and all fee’s are payable monthly (in advance to the month ahead of childcare).

*For children attending all year (48 weeks) We close for 2 weeks at Christmas, and the first 2 weeks in August. This is in line with Surrey Term Dates for the convenience of our parents/families.*

For Parents who wish for their child/ren to attend on a term-time basis only, providing we have availability, your child/ren may attend for additional fee paid ad-hoc sessions during the holiday periods. If this is of interest to you, please speak to the Manager giving as much notice as possible, as we cannot guarantee spaces.

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